Infidelity Investigations

Conducting an infidelity investigation comes with a large number of challenges, Santoni Services provides a comprehensive solution to help you uncover and further investigate any red flags surrounding infidelity.

Our professional investigators are fully trained and equipped with state-of-the-art investigative equipment in order to provide you with optimal results. We begin every case with a comprehensive consultation focused on obtaining pertinent information surrounding your case and any specific questions you would like answers to during the investigation. This initial consultation helps our investigator better understand your requirements and will prove invaluable during the preparation phase of your investigation.

After your investigation has concluded, your assigned investigator will provide you with a detailed investigative report containing all photographic and video evidence obtained during the investigation. At this time, we will also review all of our findings with you and provide you with any recommendations for further surveillance if needed.


Inconsistent Schedule
Changes in Behavior
Changes in Financial Behavior
Changes in Physical Fitness
Changes in Hygeine